Monday, February 27, 2017

Tessellation Art

 For the past few weeks we have been learning learning about tessellation. Tessellation is when shapes fit together with no gaps or overlapping.  We have done some art of tessellating shapes. Here is My art.

My Weekend

This weekend I went to Tylar's birthday party. On Saturday we went to Nelson creek for a swim and barbecue. We jumped off the rocks into the river, played Hide and seek tag build ups and ate food. When we went back to Tylar's we played  cops and robbers and go home stay home. We had dinner then watched a movie and then played spotlight and then we were going to watch another movie. Tylar, Hamish and Theo fell asleep while watching the movie so Niko and me were the only ones that were still awake. On Sunday We played touch and watched scooby-doo. I got dropped off around two and then went down to the river with my Mum and Brother.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Home Links, Scratch game

Tech Scratch Game

In my Game I based it on a game called bad ice cream. You control the Pink and Red Squares with w,a,s,d and up, down, left, right. You have to avoid the blue squares and collect the green dots. I am still working on my game and I want to make it so that you can not go through the black lines.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Ukulele Hakuna Matata

                                         A week and a half ago Hamish and I started learning the song Hakuna Matata in the movie Lion King. It took us about a hour and 10 minutes to get perfect, I knew all the cords and timing was the hardest part to get perfect. Here is a video of us playing the song.

Monday, February 20, 2017

My Weekend

This weekend There was pretty good weather which is really unusual. On Saturday I helped shift some of the cows and set up horse jumps for Mum. I made a corner of mud in one of the paddocks on my motorbike. There were Lots of thistles in one of the paddocks and I pushed a barrel around on my four wheeler crushing the thistles. My Dad made a sort of hole in the ground which I used as a jump.   On Sunday  I rode my four wheeler a lot and did a wall ride on a big pile of sawdust and did lots of drifts and donuts. My family and I also went to someones farm to get hay. I had a really fun weekend and mucked about on my motorbike a lot.

Monday, February 13, 2017

My weekend

This weekend on Friday My family and I went down to Hokitika for a horse show that was on Saturday and we stayed the night in our horse truck. My little brother Toby and my Mum rode their horses on Saturday. Toby rode in a lead rein class and my Mum rode in dressage, show jumping and hunter jumping. On Sunday the weather wasn't but I helped Dad with the wood, fed the cows and tried to tame the little kitten at our hay shed. I also spent some time playing with Lego and on the play station.