Monday, March 27, 2017

My Weekend

On Friday it was my 12th birthday. I got 2 playstation 4 games, a machete, a headlamp, 2 merino shirts, chocolate, books and a playstation plus membership. On Saturday Mum made lemon pankaces and I had a bb gun fight with my Dad and Brother and I made a little base in the bush with my machete. I also played some of my new games on the PS4 and watched a movie. On Sunday the weather wasn't great but I rode my 4 wheeler a little bit, played the playstation and watched a movie. Mum made a really nice pork roast with lots of crackle.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Science Roadshow

On Tuesday 14 March Ruma J went to a science roadshow at Grey high. The roadshow was in the hall. Around the edges of the hall were lots of exhibits with things to do with science. At the start and end of the show they showed us different pieces of equipment and and what they were used for like infra red cameras, x-ray machines, microscope, and binoculars. They showed us the difference between physical and chemical change. They put a flower in liquid nitrogen and it froze completely and its petals turned into crystal things.  One of the exhibits was where you rubbed your hands together and then placed them on metal which made static energy. They had lots of different cups and water and when they put the water in different cups it changed colour. There was a tube with something in it and then something else got added which made it foam up really big and it was called "elephant toothpaste", it was a blueish green colour. and In the middle of the room was a hovercraft thing that you sat on and people pushed you around on it. I would have liked some more time to explore the exhibits.

Monday, March 6, 2017


WALT: Use brackets accurately. For Maths today we needed to play the game bowl-a-fact and use brackets correctly.

My Weekend

This weekend I helped Mum and Dad put hay in our hay shed that Dad went and got from Christchurch in his truck. I mucked about on my four wheeler a bit and I can put it on 2 wheels for about 15 seconds. On Saturday I went to town and the Brunner rugby league sign up.