Thursday, December 15, 2016

2016 Review

2016 Review

This year has been fun and interesting. Using Chromebooks has made my writing better, funner and more interesting. Although I like writing better on a screen I find maths much better on paper with pencils. Maths has been difficult this year especially when I am doing algebra. I have done lots of activities outside of school grounds such as Skiing, Swimming, Overnighter, Going to Shanty town, going sailing, planting trees, and going to tech space. All of these have been really fun and I learnt lots. We have also had some visitors to Lake Brunner School such as Harold the giraffe,  Elgregoe and  the First aid people.  Technology has been really fun this and I got to make really cool things. We also got new toilets.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Ruma J Overnight Trip 2016


                           Ruma J Overnight Trip 2016

Last week Ruma J went on an overnight trip to Kaniere. We left on Thursday and came back on Friday. On Thursday we went to Te Marae and experienced a powhiri, then we went to lake Kaniere, went for a swim and played some tackle. Then we went to the lodge and played some games and spotlight. On Friday we went on a small bush walk the went to the tree top walk. After that we went to Hokitika for some fish n chips and then went home.

 Here is a short video Me and Niko made. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Pots and Pans Drumming

For the past two weeks of weeks Ruma J has been learning about pots and pans percussion and entered a competition hosted by Rad Rhythm. To enter the competition you have to come up with a drumming sequence on pots and pans. Your sequence had to be 1-2  minutes long and the grand prize is a drum kit for the school. I found the pots and pans drumming fun and a way I could use my drumming skills at school since I do drumming lessons most Mondays and I have a drum set at home.I would like to enter this competition next year. I hope lakebrunner keeps on teaching different types of music and I hope that we win the competition so we get the drum kit. If I could Remake my sequence I would have added more layering of patterns, movement of the pots and stick tricks.

Here is a video of my sequence with my friend Theo.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

My Company logo

Screenshot 2016-10-21 at 12.01.13 PM.png

 At school we have been learning about money. We are using a new digi -tool called banqer. Banqer is a virtual online banking system that you use to learn about money. I am in a company called space chimps with three of my friends, Zak, Theo and Jaymin . Our company sweeps stones off the court, cleans the classroom floor and stacks the chair at the end of the day. We recently created our logo. First all four of us created a logo, then we got the class to vote on who's logo was best. Zak's logo won so that was the one we chose. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

St Johns First Aid Program

On Tuesday the 2,8,16  Denise from St Johns came and we learnt CPR  and  she showed us some of her equipment. We learnt CPR on dummies and we also played a game at the start where we had to make the right decision  to save someone's life because he had hypothermia. Some of the things we did last year bit I had more fun this year because we got to play the game at the start and we got to use some of the equipment. 
Image result for st johns nzImage result for st johns nz

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Whare of well-being

On the 3.8.16 I made a whare of well-being. Each part represents a part of me. The first one is emotional and it represents letting your emotions flow. The second one is spiritual and it has a saying that I like, live life and commit, this saying is from backflips. The third one is family and the tree represents a family tree and branching off in different directions. The last one is physical, the motorbike and helmet are because I do motocross, the ball because I play league and the cheetah because I am fast and nimble.